Create Iceberg table in Glue


When I create an Iceberg table in AWS Athena in analogy to the example at the bottom of, everything works.

When I then call this query in an AWS Glue job via awsglue.context.GlueContext.spark_session.sql(<my query from Athena>), the table gets created, but cannot be properly accessed. Trying to get a preview of the created table in Athena results in the following error:

GENERIC_USER_ERROR: Detected Iceberg type table without metadata location. Please make sure an Iceberg-enabled compute engine such as Athena or EMR Spark is used to create the table, or the table is created by using the Iceberg open source AWS library iceberg-aws. Setting table_type parameter in Glue metastore to create an Iceberg table is not supported.

Is there a way to create an Iceberg table directly in my Glue job? I found, but I am not so sure about creating a new cluster just to be able to create a table, as all other operations on this table, that I need, work in Glue after creating the table manually in Athena.

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I got it working as Athena query in Glue:

database = "my_database"
table = "my_table"
sql_query = "CREATE TABLE ..."
athena_client = boto3.client("athena")
response = athena_client.start_query_execution(
    QueryExecutionContext={"Database": database, "Catalog": table},
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It appears the table DDL being used in the question is not natively supported in Glue, hence the error.

To create a iceberg table in Glue, you can try the below:

# Example: Create an Iceberg table from a DataFrame 
# and register the table to Glue Data Catalog


query = f"""
CREATE TABLE glue_catalog.<your_database_name>.<your_table_name>
USING iceberg
AS SELECT * FROM tmp_<your_table_name>


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