Error while deploying CID Dashboards using manual deployment method


I am following this link for the same wherein I am going with manual deployment option:

Everything is going as per the instructions.

However at the last step, wherein i am describing my dashboard using below command:

aws quicksight describe-dashboard --dashboard-id cost_intelligence_dashboard_v01 --region us-east-1 --aws-account-id <ACCOUNT_ID>

"Errors": [ { "Type": "COLUMN_GEOGRAPHIC_ROLE_MISMATCH", "Message": "Required geographic role for column 'region' in data set 'arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:<ACCOUNT_ID>:dataset/fefaa87a-45de-4955-aa30-380ab17642d7' is 'STATE'" } ], "VersionNumber": 1, "Status": "CREATION_FAILED",

Dataset fefaa87a-45de-4955-aa30-380ab17642d7 is summary_view dataset.

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I have got the solution,

This error can be rectified, by going to the Quick sight, open the dataset, select Edit Dataset.

From left side, columns list, check the geospatial type for "region" column.

Ensure that it is set as "State"

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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