Querying the Data Catalog on Redshift as a Federated User shows the IAM role as current_user


I've implemented the automatic mounting of the Glue catalog following this process: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-external-object-access-in-amazon-redshift-using-automatic-mounting-of-the-aws-glue-data-catalog/

I'm able to access Redshift using a federated user from Azure AD but when I do a "select current_user" it shows the IAM role of the user instead of the user name.

Any thoughts on what could be the issue?

Thank you.

1 Antwort

If this is what you see when you run the command eg IAMR:susan.jane@gmail.com. That is currently displaying the federated user name.You can also try this query on your redshift query editor SELECT role_name,role_owner,usename,role_id FROM svv_roles,pg_user WHERE role_owner = usename to view username and role name on Redshift. To learn more about managing users on Redshift Users-Amazon Redshift

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