awseducate account-Amazon EC2 instance "no internet"


No internet for AWS EDUCATIONAL account in AWS E2. The browser can't connect to any site, the ping command for any address returns "Time out", DNS works, my ip address is local I've tried disabling the firewall and IE Enhanced Security, but it doesn't do anything. Enter image description here Enter image description here

gefragt vor 7 Monaten173 Aufrufe
3 Antworten

Verify that the EC2 instance you are connected to has a public IP address (I assume it should have if you are RDPing into Windows), and that the security group associated with it has an outbound security rule allowing access to destination over TCP ports 80 and 443.

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beantwortet vor 7 Monaten

I can't use RDP.** On this type of account,** I can't generate a key using "create key pair" (or import *.pem file from Windows) because an authorization error pops up "You are not authorized to perform this operation. User is not authorized to perform ec2:CreateKeyPair on resource".

I connect to my instance (Windows Server 2019) via "Connect using Fleet Manager"and User credentials - Username and password.

I have only "Web server security group" and I can't add another - "Failed to change security groups for network interface {{networkInterfaceId}}. You are not authorized to perform this operation." Enter image description here

beantwortet vor 7 Monaten

I would look at where your EC2 is on your VPC.

If your EC2 is on a private subnet then make sure there is a route on your private subnet to a NAT Gateway. I assume you may not have a NAT gateway setup or routes for the NAT gateway.

If it’s on a public subnet ensure the EC2 has a public IP address.

You also will need an internet gateway attached to your VPC.

Also ensure any ACLs allow out and inbound traffic.

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beantwortet vor 7 Monaten

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