Creating Amplify App with domain in private zone


I'm trying to create an Amplify App using a Route53 private zone which is a subdomain of a public zone, example:

Public Zone:

Private Zone:

When I'm creating the domain association via the Amplify Console GUI it gives me both options "" and "" in the "Root Domain" selection. When I select "" however, Amplify Console creates the Route53 entries in the public zone rather than in the private zone.

Is there anyway I can force Amplify Console to create the Route53 entries in my private zone?

Let me know if I need to provide any additional information to help troubleshoot,


gefragt vor 5 Jahren1628 Aufrufe
4 Antworten

We don't differentiate public zone and private zone. But if you want, you can manually move the record from public zone to private zone.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Thanks for the response Gary,

I'm noticing that this doesn't seem to be an issue of public vs private but rather the Amplify Console is not setting up my domain in the correct zone at all.

I've setup a new scenario similar to the following:

Public Zone 1:

Public Zone 2:

When I set up the "Root Domain" for my application I choose the "" zone but whenever I setup new domains via the "Domain Management" screen Amplify Console creates them in the zone.

This seems like a bug to me and your it being private vs public doesn't seem relevant.

Can you confirm whether this is expected behaviour or if it's a bug that can be addressed?


Edited by: nlaffey on Feb 25, 2019 2:28 PM

Edited by: nlaffey on Feb 26, 2019 6:34 AM

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Hi nlaffey,

Thanks for the question.
Currently, this is expected behaviour, you can always manual move the DNS records that displayed in the Amplify Console to the desired hostedzone. But I agree with you, this is inconvenient, the team will take look into this issue and find a solution for it.


beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Got it, thanks for the follow up.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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