Expo build - APK upload fails when using aws-cli command, via GitHub Actions but works from terminal(local)


Command used in GitHub Actions to download APK from expo:

latest_build=$(npx eas-cli build:list --status="finished" --distribution="store" --json | jq '[.[] | select(.releaseChannel=="development")][1].artifacts.buildUrl')

Command used in GitHub Actions for create-upload and upload in device farm

response_upload_app=$(aws devicefarm create-upload --project-arn $DEV_PROJECT_ARN --name latest_build.apk --type ANDROID_APP)

curl -T latest_build.apk $url_upload_app

Same command when run locally in terminal when the APK is available in a folder, works perfectly fine. Also, at times, when running in local terminal, it was giving request timeout error

This is the error log in GitHub Actions in when running get-upload command for the corresponding create upload arn in device farm: "metadata": "{"errorMessageUrl":"https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/devicefarm/ANDROID_APP_AAPT_DEBUG_BADGING_FAILED","errorMessage":"We could not extract information about your Android application package. Please verify that the application package is valid by running the command \"aapt debug badging <path to your test package>\", and try again after the command does not print any error.","errorCode":"ANDROID_APP_AAPT_DEBUG_BADGING_FAILED"}

Debugging done so far: Ran this (aapt debug badging <path to apk>/latest_build.apk ) and was able to get package information correctly

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