Wordpress beginner Enable HTTPS support with SSL certificates


Trying to set up HTTPS for my new site. Warning: The domain 'web-site.com' resolves to a different IP address than the one detected for this machine, which is '11.22.333.444'. Please fix its DNS entries or remove it.

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1 Antwort

I am setting up a wordpress website with Lightsail. My website has propagated but now I am trying to create a HTTPS with Bitnami. I have recreated my instance but I always get this message; "Warning: The domain 'web-site.com' resolves to a different IP address than the one detected for this machine, which is '11.22.333.444'. Please fix its DNS entries or remove it." My domain is registered with no-ip

Dave M
beantwortet vor 10 Monaten

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