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SSO with Managed AD as idp - 403 forbidden



I've connected the SSO idp to the Managed Active Directory with AD Connector as proxy between SSO and Active Directory.

User and groups are sync correctly I can loggin to the SSO I can attach permission set to account

After logging to the SSO when I click on the account to assume the role I got a 403 error {"message":"No access","__type":"com.amazonaws.switchboard.portal#ForbiddenException"}

I don't know where to search to solve this issue.

Can you please help me ?


2 Antworten
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Solved, the issue was a mapping problem between AWS Managed AD and SSO. The SSO user primary-email field was empty.

We change the mapping, everything works well


beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
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überprüft vor 5 Monaten
  • Hi @fabieng, can you please share the attribute mapping configured on the SSO.


I recommend you review the metadata issued and supported by AWS SSO. Then check the attribute mapping making sure the format is set to "transient"

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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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