Get Thing ID (ARN) in Lambda IoT MQTT handle


Can a Lambda action get the Thing ID (its ARN, or some way to uniquely identify it)? Is the answer different if you do or don't use basic ingestion?

I searched the forum before I asked this, one clue I found was this:

which suggest I can change the role to include:

        "Resource": [

if I get the idea behind that, I could force devices to set their MQTT client id to be the same as their ThingName, and to use that I would include clientId() in the SELECT.

Is that the simplest way?


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gefragt vor 2 Jahren213 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

I re-read the previous posts that were similar and I think that's the best way ... so I'm going to close this.

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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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