Unable to submit request for production access to AWS SES service.


I have verified my domain and emails for AWS SES, and it is working fine in the sandbox environment. Now, I want to get access to the production environment on AWS SES. However, when I try to submit my request with enough details like mail type, site URL, use cases, and content emails, and click the submit button, I get the following error message every time: "Unknown error Request failed with unknown error, ensure that you have the necessary permissions and that all fields have correct values." Enter image description here

I have tried many times, but I still get the same error. I have a basic plan on AWS. I am stuck. What should I do next?**

gefragt vor 8 Monaten287 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I recommend to go in the AWS support console and then raise the ticket, just make sure you have the proper permission to access AWS support center.

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beantwortet vor 8 Monaten

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