Unable to assign a user to a SageMaker domain with IAM Identity Center.


In order to setup a SageMaker Studio with IAM Identity Center:
Step 1:

  • I made an user in IAM Identity Center.

Step 2:

  • I made a domain from SageMaker console.


  • After successful creation of the domain, I tried to assign user in it from option "Assign User". from here I can't continue to add user. User add settings pic.

Problem : It freezes there, and do not assign a user.

From user console I tried to create a user profile. But it shows error.
User profile adding settings pic.

Note: I am new to aws so using gui instead of using sdk for it.

Region Choosed : Osaka (ap-norteast-3).

5 Antworten
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Hey "Thanks" your the guidance (@Andrii S and @ART). I found the problem lies in the availability zone. After changing the zone I can easily assign user an application with the same way.
But a new issue occurs there that is related to configuration and I will generate separate issue for that .

Thanking you, Anurag Sharma

beantwortet vor 9 Monaten
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überprüft vor 4 Tagen
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überprüft vor 3 Monaten

Hello. Please double-check that your user notebook is assigned to Sso application that is connected to Sage Maker. Go to AWS SSO/Applications /<Name of application that is used for sage maker>/Assigned users.

Best regards, Andrii

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beantwortet vor 9 Monaten
  • Checked again no user is assigned there while application is there but with no users.


Hi! Is it that you are trying to setup IAM Identity Center for use with Amazon SageMaker Domain? In that case have you seen this: Set up IAM Identity Center for use with Amazon SageMaker Domain

If this is not the case, can you please elaborate what exactly it is that you are trying to achieve?

Thanks, Ashish

beantwortet vor 9 Monaten
  • Hello, Yes I followed this tutorial.

    Yesterday I did same thing it works but application is very slow to start and even kernel was also not assigned. Then I thought while configuring the sagemaker i opted the "VPC only" option instead of "direct internet" that's why it was hanging. So I delete the domain and today's morning started new one and now it is not working the application showing the available users ("IAM identitiy center") but not assinging it. Also while makeing user profile form the studio console (gui) shows error:

    "ValidationException In Domains with AWS SSO enabled, both the SingleSignOnIdentifierTypeString and SingleSignOnIdentifierValue fields are required."


So you must add a notebook user to this application and after that create Sage Maker againEnter image description here .

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beantwortet vor 9 Monaten

So maybe this documentation https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/rstudio-create-user.html can help fo you to create a profile with cli and after using this when you create a new sage maker env.

Best regards, Andrii

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beantwortet vor 9 Monaten

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