S3 File Gateway - File operations results the creation of a new S3 object


As mentioned in AWS doc https://docs.aws.amazon.com/filegateway/latest/files3/file-gateway-concepts.html. "Common file operations change file metadata, which results in the deletion of the current S3 object and the creation of a new S3 object" If my object store in S3-IA, so when it has been delete and create a new one, which storage class will the new one store in? S3 or S3-IA Thank you for your support

gefragt vor einem Jahr359 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I thought it would be the storage class you selected when you set up the file share in File Gateway.
In other words, if it were set up in standard, it would be placed in the standard class.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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