Access Denied to API Version: API20120917 (Cfn/RDS)


Hello, I try to create an oracle database instance but I have this error with cloudformation and I can't find a solution.

Can anyone help with this problem.

Resource handler returned message: "Access Denied to API Version: API20120917 (Service: Rds, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 172bd747-8158-4b30-8222-efaca96267e2)" (RequestToken: 5d0b9b3a-4185-1b76-e6d3-9aab9896c076, HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)

1 Antwort

does the iam user have iam permissions to create rds oracle instance? if the iam user (the console loging which you use to launch the cfn stack) doesnt have permissions you would get access denied errors.

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