is there a service role that needs to be attached to AWSCodeCommitPowerUser policy for codecommit , we are integrating with Jenkins and with only policy the code /repo is not getting checked out


Got started with creating a repo using codecommit , respective users (IAM) with needed policy AWSCodeCommitPowerUser. Also have integrated Jenkins in aws ec2instance using the security credentials of the IAM user. The issue is that code is not getting checked out. There is a old post on code commit integration with jenkins (mentions service role tagging with policy) however there is no mention of the same in the current info center

gefragt vor 2 Jahren255 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

We can close this question as no service role needs to be attached. The question arose based on the old post refer sentence "Create an Amazon EC2 service role named CodeCommitRole and attach the managed policy" in the article.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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