Does Aurora PostgreSQL use wal buffer?



I was going through the below reinvent video about Deep dive on Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL. I see a mention about "Concurrency : Remove Log buffer" and "Aurora PostgreSQL: Writing Less". So does this mean that Aurora Postgres doesn't use wal buffer or is there is there any change in the way it is being used?


1 Antwort

Aurora Postgres do use write-ahead log (WAL) buffer to hold transaction data that it later writes to persistent storage. Aurora PostgreSQL writes data in the WAL (write ahead logging) buffer to the log files. The principle of write ahead logging is that the database can't write changes to the data files until after the database writes log records describing those changes to disk. The WAL mechanism reduces disk I/O, and allows Aurora PostgreSQL to use the logs to recover the database after a failure. You can refer to below link to get more insight into it :

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