CloudFormation: Waiter StackCreateComplete failed: Waiter encountered a terminal failure state


I had issues trying to deploy a cloudformation change through the sam deploy command and therefore decided that deleting the stack and recreating it might be the best option. I was however unable to delete the stack since it seems several resources were created manually. I therefore deleted the stack by setting those resources as optional.

When I try to deploy the stack again, I am getting Waiter StackCreateComplete failed: Waiter encountered a terminal failure state error. How can I find more information on what the underlying issue is?

An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the DescribeStacks operation: Stack with id <Stack> does not exist <Stack> will be created. Creating ChangeSet ChangeSet-2023-01-14T01-30-51Z Deploying stack <Stack>. Follow in console: ChangeSet ChangeSet-2023-01-14T01-30-51Z in <Stack> succeeded "StackStatus": "REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS", <Stack> reached REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS Deploying stack <Stack>. Follow in console: Waiting for stack-create-complete Waiter StackCreateComplete failed: Waiter encountered a terminal failure state: For expression "Stacks[].StackStatus" we matched expected path: "ROLLBACK_COMPLETE" at least once Command failed. Please see the logs above.

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