Eb create command Error: Unknown (null) port for listener


I'm trying to run eb create for my eb environment and I can't seem to solve the error that keeps popping up: Unknown (null) port for listener. I run the eb create command, enter the environment name, CNAME, choose network load balancer, and decline the spot fleet option. After a few seconds of attempting to create the environment, the process exits with the error mentioned.

Here is my elb config file in my .ebextensions folder:

# 01_elb.config

  - namespace: aws:elbv2:loadbalancer
    option_name: LoadBalancerType
    value: network
  - namespace: aws:elbv2:loadbalancer
    option_name: SecurityGroups
    value: sg-xxxx
  - namespace: aws:ec2:vpc
    option_name: ELBScheme
    value: internal
  - namespace: aws:ec2:vpc
    option_name: ELBSubnets
    value: subnet-xxxx, subnet-xxxx, subnet-xxxx
  # Listener
  - namespace: aws:elbv2:listener:443
    option_name: ListenerEnabled
    value: true
  - namespace: aws:elbv2:listener:443
    option_name: Protocol
    value: TCP
  - namespace: aws:elbv2:listener:443
    option_name: InstancePort
    value: 443
  # Process
  - namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:process:default
    option_name: HealthCheckPath
    value: /health
  - namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:process:default
    option_name: HealthCheckProtocol
    value: HTTPS
  - namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:process:default
    option_name: Port
    value: 443
  - namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:process:default
    option_name: Protocol
    value: TCP
1 Antwort

Turns out the issue wasn't even in this config file, it was in the config file for the instance. I had a security group being defined there and I forgot to add the ToPort parameter.

beantwortet vor 6 Monaten
profile pictureAWS
überprüft vor 6 Monaten

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