Cloudwatch logging with awslogs not working with our Symfony based framework API



requesting help with regards to our Symfony framework logging to Cloudwatch. this Symfony has a built-in monolog capable of stdout/stderr my problem is we cannot send any Symfony logs to Cloudwatch log groups. but Apache logs (error and request logs) can be successfully sent.

also tested via the local docker environment, and the stdout/stderr seems to be working fine. all logs from Symfony can be seen without any problem

are there any specific configurations for Symfony monolog?

Our setup is, Symfony is running via ECS

here's the link, which I also posted to Symfony (with details about the problem)

any help is appreciated. Thanks

1 Antwort


I'm not using PHP at all, but according to this post on PHP must catch the output of their processes like error_log = /proc/self/fd/2 and catch_workers_output = yes. Then, I assume PHP will write the stream into /dev/stderr.

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