Install RabbitMQ plugin: rabbitmq-event-exchange


I need to use an alternative port for RabbitMQ 5672. Following instructions, I found out I can use a NLB to connect to AmazonMQ RabbitMQ but I found an issue regarding available plugins on AWS RabbitMQ.

It doesn't support (yet?) rabbitmq-event-exchange which is a very simple plugin that publish internal events to a topic and allow to subscribe to those.

Maybe someone in the service team can provide a hint if this plugin is in the short term map or any workaround for this?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren762 Aufrufe
3 Antworten


This plugin is on our roadmap and will be available in 6 - 10 months.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

Any updates?

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Hi there, Is there any update on this plugin availability?

beantwortet vor 9 Monaten

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