Lift and Shift Windows 7 and 10 os


Hi, We are planning to do lift and shift windows 7 and windows 10. so i have two questions 1- Is it possible to do lift and shift to windows 7 and Windows 10 as on prem there are so production applications are running.

2- How do i calculate and prepare estimation for the lift and shift please advise

1 Antwort

If you are planning to use a Lift and Shift migration or rehosting of your on-prem hosts to AWS EC2, you should take a look at the AWS Application Migration Service (aka MGN) - and

The list of supported operating systems by the MGN service is here -

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Thanks for reply, also could you please let me know to migrate do i need to create new fresh EC2 with same os as on-prem version and replicate the Data by MGN, please correct me if i m wrong

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