Data events doesn't log in Cloudtrail


I've create the cloudtrail with data event option opened and save for all S3 log! Here is image

But when I try upload, delete the file, wating for 1.5 hours, the operation doesn't show at CloudTrail event history. All it have record is bucket-level log like Create Bucket

How can I solve this problem, I know that can use S3 server access log instead, but I want to use CloudTrail for better view and search

gefragt vor 9 Monaten437 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Did you check that the proper data events that you want are selected for loggng via aws cloudtrail get-event-selectors --trail-name TrailName (change TrailName with the name of your own trail ?

I'd suggest to read to be able to do the proper setup.



profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 9 Monaten

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