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AWS MediaConvert - Job for multiple audio-only stream


Hey there,

doesn't matter which settings I try, I just can't get it work. I have several MP3 audio selectors for input and trying to get them into one HLS output group as 1:1 outputs (audio-only). What I want is an audio-only stream where I can switch between the tracks/languages. I already made this running with video but it's not working if I use the same settings and just delete the "video" parts of the job. So what I'm doing wrong?

gefragt vor 3 Jahren942 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


For HLS audio-only outputs the codecs supported are AAC or Dolby Digital (AC3) : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/supported-codecs-containers-audio-only.html.

You will need to select "Container for audio-only output" in the Audio section of the Output Settings for the HLS output group : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/setting-up-audio-only.html.

Depending on the scenario you can also select "audio only variant stream" in the Audio Track Type on the same section.


beantwortet vor 3 Jahren
  • Thanks for your reply, but sadly I already tried these options but it didn't work. Selecting "audio only variant stream" depends on which scenario? Sorry for asking but there are so many options I still don't know good enough about... Is there something in the input settings I did wrong? I have my audio selectors, do I have to select any selector type (PID,Track,Language code or HLS rendition group)?

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