ECS Service cannot connect to another service with "Service connect"


I have created a service for Redis that I want to connect to it. In order to do so, I added the "Service Connect" feature (see image), nonetheless, I cannot manage to connect to it, not even from the ec2 where it is. I have tried using:

  • nc -vz redis-discovery 6379
  • nc -vz tcp://redis-discovery 6379
  • nc -vz redis 6379
  • nc -vz redis-dns 6379
  • nc -vz tcp://redis-dns 6379 and none of them work, I keep getting Ncat: Could not resolve hostname "tcp://redis-dns": Name or service not known. QUITTING.

Service connect description image

  • Did you find any solution?

  • unfortunately we have not

  • did anyone find a solution for this problem?

gefragt vor 10 Monaten191 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Hi, can you provide a little more details of your current configuration? Please be aware that ECS Service Connect is only used for traffic within the same ECS Cluster namespace (you can have multiple ECS Cluster associated to the same Namespace) and is not possible to connect from an external Ec2 instance. When you start a new service with ECS Service connect this will download the existing configuration and store it in the /etc/hosts file. The configuration will contain the discovery name of the services that are running ECS Service Connect within the same ECS Namespace.

beantwortet vor einem Monat

After weeks of hard work, I've finally resolved this issue and here's the solution: AWS ECS Service Connect: Enabling Communication Between ECS Services.

For more details, check out this complete playlist: AWS ECS Comprehensive Series.

Subscribe to the Prograamer YouTube Channel for more updates.

beantwortet vor 13 Tagen

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