Feedback loop in AnalyzeExpense API in textract


How can I implement a feedback loop in analyze expense API in textract. I see there is a way to create human review workflow for analyze document API but I don't see for analyze expense.

Further, this answer says that AWS doesn't learn from the human reviews -

We are getting poor quality results with textract and so want to use feedback loop to improve the quality of result.

gefragt vor einem Jahr355 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Hi, thanks for using Textract service. Unfortunately we don't support Human Loop config for AnalyzeExpense API. Sorry to hear you are experiencing poor quality, feel free to cut a ticket to Textract service and we will see how to help. Appreciate if you can share some sample documents.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Please also have a look at The answer there seems contradictory to me though...

beantwortet vor 4 Monaten

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