Channels Assembly of MediaTailor removes the Ad markers from incoming source manifest


Mediatailor channel assembly creates a new manifest,it removes the Ad Markers tags which is present in the incoming source streams and inserts newer's one based on the Ad breaks Defined.Is there a way to passthrough Scte tags coming from incoming source stream ?

Also can mediatailor channel assembly repackages the incoming HLS stream to DASH Stream ?

gefragt vor einem Jahr352 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

The AWS MediaTailor Channel Assembly function with remove SCTE-35 ad messages from live sources that do not contain daterange values. Ad markers such as Cue-Out, Cue-In, Break and similar functions will be removed.

Channel assemble does offer the ability to schedule new SCTE-35 ad messages preroll and some midrole, during playout of live sources, on the channel being created.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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