Amazon Rekognition - have to pay?



I am currently attempting to learn how to use Amazon Rekognition. I was working with an example project focusing on the detectLabels API. In order to train the model for the example project, it pops up with a statement that the training will cost money.

Is there any way to play around with Rekognition and S3 without having to pay? Maybe on a separate software?

Thank you!

gefragt vor 4 Monaten321 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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Amazon Rekognition has a free monthly tier.
The detectLabels API is included in group 2 of the documentation description below.
This means you can analyze up to 1000 images per month for free.

Image analysis: During the free tier period you can analyze 1,000 images per month for free each, in Group 1 and Group 2 APIs. Free tier is not offered for Image Properties.

Face metadata storage: During the free tier period, you can store 1,000 face vector objects and 1,000 user vector objects per month for free.

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