Synthesis Failed in Vivado IPI AWS f1 FPGA


Hi everyone,

While doing synthesis for creating AFI using vivado IPI , I get this error.

ERROR: [Common 17-107] Cannot change read-only property 'is_locked'.

Resolution: Please refer to Vivado Properties Reference Guide (UG912) for more information on setting properties.

Please help me solving this.

Thank you.

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1 Antwort
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The problem is with the file make_post_synth_dcp.tcl

if {${BD_PATH} == "NONE"} {

#Do Nothing

} else {

add_files ${BD_PATH}

set_property is_locked true [get_files ${BD_PATH}]


I have commented the line set_property is_locked true [get_files ${BD_PATH}]

After this it is able to synthesis.

But I am not sure, this is the correct way. I have created AFI and Tested too.

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