I4g instances are optimized for workloads that perform a high mix of random read/write and require very low I/O latency
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) I4g storage-optimized instances powered by AWS Graviton2 processors are now generally available. I4g instances deliver the best compute price performance for a storage-optimized instance versus comparable x86-based storage optimized instances, and the best storage performance per TB for a Graviton-based storage instance. Based on AWS Nitro SSDs that are custom built by AWS and reduce both latency and latency variability, I4g instances are optimized for workloads that perform a high mix of random read/write and require very low I/O latency, such as transactional databases (Amazon DynamoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL) and real-time analytics such as Apache Spark.
I4g instances improve real-time storage performance up to 2x compared to prior generation storage-optimized instances. Offering 8 GB of memory per vCPU, I4g instances help you maximize storage application throughput. I4g instances deliver higher compute performance and offer the lower cost per TB compared to existing I3 and I4i instances with similar memory and storage ratios. This helps you effectively use Graviton-based storage instances for your existing storage workloads and lower your costs.
I4g instances are available in six sizes: I4g.large, I4g.xlarge, i4g.2xlarge, I4g.4xlarge, I4g.8xlarge, and I4g.16xlarge. You can use I4g instances in the following AWS Regions: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland). I4g instances are available through Saving Plans, Reserved Instances, On-Demand, and Spot Instances.
These instances can use AWS Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) and take advantage of Amazon’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for security and reliability. Get started with I4g instances by visiting the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or AWS SDKs. To learn more, visit the I4g instances page. To learn how to migrate your workloads to AWS Graviton-based instances, see the AWS Graviton Fast Start Program, AWS Graviton Technical Guide GitHub Repository, and AWS Graviton Transition Guide.