How can I troubleshoot when I'm unable to mount my Storage Gateway SMB file share?

3 minutos de lectura

I created a Server Message Block (SMB) file share on AWS Storage Gateway. I want to mount the SMB file share on my client, but it's not working. How can I troubleshoot this?


1.    Confirm that your SMB client is among the supported SMB clients and supported SMB versions for a file gateway.

2.    Use the Storage Gateway console to check if your file share is in an available state. If the file share isn't in an available state, then check if the file gateway is offline. Or, check if the file gateway can reach the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) endpoint by running a telnet command using an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance with the same network configuration and from within the same subnet as the gateway:

telnet 443
telnet 443

3.    Review the process for mounting an SMB file share to confirm that you're following the correct steps. Additionally, confirm that you're using the correct mount command. 

For Microsoft Active Directory users, the mount command is in the following format:

net use [WindowsDriveLetter]: \\[Gateway IP Address]\[File share name]

For guest users, the mount command is in the following format:

net use [WindowsDriveLetter]: \\$[Gateway IP Address]\$[path] /user:$[Gateway ID]\smbguest

4.    If you're a Microsoft Active Directory user, then confirm with your system administrator that you have access to the SMB file share. Additionally, you can use the Storage Gateway console to check the file share's Allowed/Denied users and groups list. If the Allowed/Denied users and groups fields are populated, then confirm that your user or group is on the Allowed list and not on the Denied list. By default, if the Allowed/Denied users and groupsfields are empty, then all Active Directory-authenticated users are allowed to mount the file share. 

5.    If you're a guest user, then be sure to have the guest user account password before you try to mount the file share.

6.    Review your network configuration to confirm that the required ports are open. To check if the required ports 139 and 445 are open, run the telnet command from your client to the Storage Gateway host:

Important: Replace with the IP address of your file gateway.

telnet 139
telnet 445

7.    Check the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that's attached to the file share. Confirm that the IAM role has the necessary permissions to access the relevant Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. Then, review the bucket policy of the relevant bucket to check if there are any statements that are blocking access from the file share. For more information on permissions errors, see How can I troubleshoot an S3AccessDenied error from my file gateway's CloudWatch health logs?

8.    Check your local machine for any connectivity problems by pinging the file gateway's IP address from the machine:

**Important:**Replace the IP address of your file gateway.


If your local machine does have connectivity problems, then try to mount your file share to another machine.

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