AWS frankfurt region data center names and location for S3 and Ec2


AWS Frankfurt region data center names and locations for S3 and Ec2 are needed to fulfill the documentation of security requirements compliance. Does AWS mention this info anywhere or are there any in general references regarding the same?

preguntada hace 6 meses199 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


AWS does not disclose detailed data center locations.

AWS provides physical data center access only to approved employees. All employees who need data center access must first apply for access and provide a valid business justification. These requests are granted based on the principle of least privilege, where requests must specify to which layer of the data center the individual needs access, and are time-bound. Requests are reviewed and approved by authorized personnel, and access is revoked after the requested time expires. Once granted admittance, individuals are restricted to areas specified in their permissions.

Third-party access is requested by approved AWS employees, who must apply for third-party access and provide a valid business justification. These requests are granted based on the principle of least privilege, where requests must specify to which layer of the data center the individual needs access, and are time-bound. These requests are approved by authorized personnel, and access is revoked after request time expires. Once granted admittance, individuals are restricted to areas specified in their permissions. Anyone granted visitor badge access must present identification when arriving on site and are signed in and escorted by authorized staff.

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