Rest api angular frontend pointing to spring boot elasticbeanstalk url needing a self signed certificated


Hello team,

My project is a rest api with angular FRONTEND with AMPLIFY that uses the https protocol and a BACKEND spring boot in ELASTIC BEANSTALK that uses http with which it produces mixed content and the application crashes when logging in.

To solve it, I have created a self-signed certificate with OpenSSL but when I import it, when I validate in the CERTIFICATE BODY field, the alert "The provided certificate body is not in a valid PEM format" appears. As much as I look for the solution, I can't find it. I would need your advice to find the expected solution.

I use the domain name in the frontend with amplify but in the backend I am not interested and for this reason, following the tutorials, what I do is create the self-signed ssl/tls certificate to import it and include it in the load balancer. But I've been trying to make a valid certificate for a couple of days and the same thing always happens to me, if I do it automated with ACM X509 I don't understand the certificate, it does accept it but where is the CA and everything else? That's why I think it doesn't work for me. By the way, the CA I use when creating it is: *

Thank you very much in advance team :)

preguntada hace un año86 visualizaciones
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