RDS General Log does not exist in Cloudwatch


I want to find out the connections to all my databases in a database instance and I used the instructions below to enable General log on a RDS MariaDB database instance:


Unfortunately, I am not able to find the general log under log group in CloudWatch. I can see a General (hyperlink) on the RDS database instance: RDS->Configure->Published Logs->Cloudwatch logs. When I clicked on the hyperlink, CloudWatch was opened but displayed an error: There was an error filtering log events. The specified log group does not exist. I have set general_log to 1 on RDS->Parameter Groups, and enabled the check box for General Log for the DB Instance (Modify->Log export)

And also, will I be able to stop the General logging afterwards? What is the performance impact on the database when General Loggin is turned on? What is the performance impact on the database when Audit Logging is turned on?

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There is a parameter called "log_output" in the parameter group, so try changing its setting value to "FILE".
By changing this value to "FILE" you should be able to output to CloudWatch Logs.

And also, will I be able to stop the General logging afterwards?

Yes, you can stop it later.
If you want to stop it, follow the steps in the reverse order of the output settings.

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