Runaway costs and no way to see what is causing it


How do I find out WHAT service/configuration is responsible for each line item in our bills? Just saying "$0.2 per IOPS-month of provisioned io1 IOPS for Multi-AZ deployments running MySQL: $200" is grossly insufficient and completely useless. What exactly are we paying for??

preguntada hace un año402 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

This specific line item indicates that you are running RDS MySQL in a Multi-AZ Deployment and you have Provisioned IOPs enabled.

Provisioned IOPs [1] are additional guaranteed disk reads and writes that can be critical to database operations depending on the needs of your application or database. That documentation has tables with the available IOPs per storage type including, the newly released for RDS, GP3. These tables should help you determine what storage type is best for your database needs. The document [1] also details how to see the performance you are using to help you determine your needs.

This document [2] explains how to modify your RDS storage settings should you determine that is needed.

Regarding the Provisioned IOPs from your bill, you are paying for the additional IOPs configured for your database. The cost details are on the RDS MySQL Pricing page [3] under Provisioned IOPS (SSD) Storage.

[1] [2] [3]

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respondido hace un año
  • Why can't it tell me what specific db instances are using this IOPS thing? I need a link to a service that was created by a user. Why is it my job to figure this out? AWS already figured it out to determine the billing amount, why can't they just share that information? Thanks for the reply though. It's just an example, I need to identify the actual cost of each instance/service; breaking down the background charges is really not useful; I want to know the total cost and usage metrics of each EC2 instance, each RDS db, each App Runner service, etc. I shouldn't have to reverse engineer this basic information from my bills


Bills don't (and are not supposed to) contain all the information you need to analyse and optimizing your AWS costs. I would start from Cost Explorer, cost allocation tags, and maybe cost categories. All the raw data is available in cost and usage reports (CUR) but depending how large your AWS landscape is, this can be a lot.

And if you find this is a lot of work to do (which it is), there are multiple AWS partnets offering their help. For a quick run through of state of FinOps services and tooling there is July 2022 vendor showcase session from at

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respondido hace un año
  • It is absurd that I have to pay someone to read my bills. All I want is itemization so I can determine what was set up for each and every charge, in one place. This is not a difficult thing for AWS to provide. I'm not hiring someone to do it, I'll just switch to another provider that has pricing that doesn't require certification to decipher.


HI HooHost My name is Han I see that you have an issue with launching of resources and I'm happy to assist you I think that you are running RDS MySQL and you have Provisioned IOPs enabled The use of preconfigured IOPS requires additional costs This url [1] about RDS for MYSQL pricing

respondido hace un año

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