How to install 3rd party odbc driver at RDS sql server


We are planning to migrate our sql server 2016 standard edition database from ec2 instance to RDS. Need a guidance to install 3rd party odbc driver at it. We have a requirement to access the out site dB in our application.

preguntada hace un año851 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

I don't think I can install the ODBC driver because RDS is a managed service

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respondido hace un año

In general RDS does not allow the user to customise the OS or DB environment ... but RDS Custom gives some of that power back if you need it - It's best though to stick with standard fully-managed RDS if you can, it's likely to result in lower TCO.

Generally an ODBC driver would be installed in the DB's client though, so as part of your application?

respondido hace un año

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