Reboot instance in sequence


Is there anyone here that has Document or script that can reboot multiple instances in order? The logic of the solution or script I want to achieve is Server 1 will reboot first then wait for netlogon service to start before restarting Server 2.

preguntada hace un año360 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas
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Hi, apart from above, you could look inspiration in this:

Personally, I would combine the above with an orchestrator such as step function and see if you can achieve the waiting of service programmatically.

Hope it helps ;)

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respondido hace un año

Arh your wanting to reboot domain controllers

You could use a mixture of aws cli to reboot an instance then a power shell script to check the status of the netlogon service remotely. This of course requires access to the servers directly.

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respondido hace un año

Thanks guys for the suggestions. I created an automation document and create steps to restart and check window service Enter image description here

respondido hace un año

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