AMI not available with M6i/R6i, but available with M5/C6i


I've found the AMI, Amazon provided, is not available with M6i/R6i, but available with M5/C6i. ami-09b781df816feb92d (at ap-northeast-1)

I believe M6i/R6i have compatible architecture with C6i. Is this just some issue forgetting to attach some compatibility flag? As a workaround, I've launched with M5, and changed instance type to M6i. It looks working.

preguntada hace un año297 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

It is quite strange, it DOES supports M6id, according to Marketplace statement. And it also supports M5/C6i, so this AMI does not require any ephemeral storage.... So it seems there should not be any technical reason, not to support M6i....

respondido hace un año
  • Do you get an error when starting with M6i in the AWS CLI?

  • NO. I can launch an instance with m6i.large, by ami-09b781df816feb92d. I am blocked, only at EC2 Management Console.


Indeed, even in my environment, I could not select M6i at first startup.
The following documents seem to support M6i.

If there is no error when starting with AWS CLI, etc., it could be a bug in the management console, etc.

It may be a good idea to check the driver version using the method in the following document, just to be sure.

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respondido hace un año

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