AWS Pinpoint SMS Throughput Queuing


Does Pinpoint SMS automatically queue up messages to stay under the MPS of an origination number? Example: if we have 10k endpoints in a campaign that's scheduled to send a text message at 4pm using a short code number. 10k text messages exceeds the short codes MPS throughput. Will pinpoint automatically queue up messages to ensure they're delivered?

So we can develop accordingly, what is the queuing mechanism is in place?

  1. If pinpoint brute forces and relies on retries, we would have to increase the retry attempts.
  2. Whereas if it's a graceful mechanism, we would just develop as is and rely on pinpoint to handle the queueing/delivering.

I've read this older post:

But it's counter-intuitive/productive for us to develop our own queue while using Pinpoint as the campaign manager. If this feature isn't available, can we have an expedited feature request that Pinpoint handle SMS queueing? This would make Pinpoint competitive with the rest of the SMS providers that queue SMS sending.

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