CloudWatch Metric filters with default value not making sense


I've created a metric filter just to get an idea about how many times a specific log pattern shows up, nothing crazy. Metric value is set to 1 and Default value is set to 0. Since it's not a high-resolution metric, CloudWatch is aggregating it in a minute period. All good with that. What I do not understand is the difference between the Sum and Sample Count statistics. Why Sum and Sample Count would have different values?

  • If we assume that there was no record in the 1-minute interval with the filter pattern, Sum would be 0, and Sample Count would be 0.
  • If we assume that there was at least one record in the 1-minute interval with the filter pattern, Sum would be X, and Sample Count would be X, where X is greater than 0.

An example: Let's say I created a metric filter with the pattern "ERROR:", and I set Metric value is set to 1 and Default value is set to 0. We have the following logs for three different log streams under the same log group in a specific minute in the timeline:

Log stream 1:


Log stream 2:


Log stream 3:


What would be the values for Sum and Sample Count in your opinion? 4, right!?

preguntada hace 8 meses88 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi, according to the definition in the CloudWatch documentation below, they are actually representing a different view of the metric.

  • SampleCount is the number of data points during the period.
  • Sum is the sum of the values of the all data points collected during the period.

From your example, Sum would be 4 but SampleCount would be 7 since it's counting the number of data points. Please note that the log message that doesn't match with the filter pattern will also generate a data point with value "0" (Based on the Default Value setting) to the corresponding metric. Therefore, in your example, there are 7 data points, 4 with value "1" and 3 with value "0". The Sum is calculated by 1+1+1+1+0+0+0 = 4.

Hope my explanation helps!

respondido hace 3 días

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