Charged even though not using any services (Elastic Compute Cloud)


Hey! I have not been using any AWS service for the last month. I am still being charged on a per-day basis. Why so? In my account, it shows an "Elastic Compute Cloud" charge, even though have not used an EC2 machine since October and there are no active or inactive instances in my account. Also there are no data files or any kind of activity.

preguntada hace 7 meses222 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


With EC2, you will be charged even if the instance is not started but EBS and snapshots remain.
Click the plus button on your bill to open a toggle to see what you're being charged for in each region.
You should check this to see what resources are being billed.

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respondido hace 7 meses

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Can you please have a look at the snapshot and help me to stop any future charges. I already charged with 2.38 dollars without using anything.

respondido hace 7 meses

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