launching stack in CloudFormation-Failed with ROLLBACK_COMPLETE Status


I am facing an issue while attempting to launch stack in AWS CloudFormation.The stack consistently fails and ends up with a status of "ROLLBACK_COMPLETE". I would appreciate any assistance or guidance in troubleshooting this problem. this is the link to the practice I wanted to use : ""

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To troubleshoot what has happened, you need to go to the cloudformation stack, look at Events tab and trace the first failed event that has triggered the rollback. There might be a number of reasons why a stack might fail :

  • there is an outdated reference in the stack
  • you do not have permissions or access to certain resources mentioned in the stack
  • deployment might have failed by incident for one of the resources
  • etc.
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[Update] I have run the same stack in us-east-1 with success and using these parameters. Please note that I used t3 instances for test. So the stack does not have any issues in deployment. You need to look at the Events tab and trace the error.

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