Image creation issues


I am facing issues while trying to create workspace image.

Can you please help me in succesfully creating the image.

preguntada hace un año212 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

It's hard to provide specific help without knowing exactly what issues you were running into. You can refer to the documentation on a step-by-step guide on how to create an AWS Workspaces custom image.

Hope this helps you.

respondido hace un año

Hello there,

A more detailed context of the issue would be helpful to provide the guidance. However, you can begin with following this documentation which list out all the requirement for creating a custom image and best practices as well. It also has the step by step process to create the image.

respondido hace un año

You can also verify that the image meets all the pre-requisites by running Image checker on the source workspace without any failure before proceeding with image creation. See Run the Image Checker. If Image Checker fails, see the Tips for resolving issues detected by the Image Checker section.

respondido hace un año

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