Republish device status on shadow topics


We have devices already sending status information ( firmware version, wifi connection status, etc) on custom topic. At this point, We do not want to change our device firmware to directly send updates to device shadow but still want to utilize Fleet Hub for monitoring. In this case, Can we use rule engine and lambda function to receive status info from custom topic Convert into shadow document and republish it to device shadow topic ?

preguntada hace un año291 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
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Hi, Yes, you can do the transformation via IoT Rule directly. The IoT Rule SQL could look like this:

SELECT { "state": { "reported": { "firwmare": firmware  , "wifi-connection-status": connection} } } FROM 'custom/topic'

Where firmware and connection have to be replaced with your key-value from your topic

Then you can use the republish action to send it to the shadow.

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respondido hace un año

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