support for .market domain name


Hi, We have a requirement to host our platform on AWS and wanting to use AWS Route 53 to register the domain. But, for now AWS does not seem to support ".market" domain. Our company and website need a .market domain name to be supported.

Can you pls provide this support. Thanks

preguntada hace 2 años312 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

I do not believe adding a TLD to Route 53 will happen anytime soon. Usually, they announce the TLDs that will be supported in the future a long time before they come out.

For now, you could consider getting the .market domain at another domain provider and using the DNS records to point to your AWS service, for example an API gateway.

respondido hace 2 años


Thank you for reaching out. I understand that you are looking to host a website on AWS using a “.market” domain. Unfortunately, Route 53 is not able to register that top-level domain.

However, you are able to register the domain with any other domain registrar that supports “.market” or any other domain and manage its DNS records using Route 53. This will allow you to leverage Route 53 for all your DNS needs as well as provide a smooth integration with other AWS services.

Quick overview of the process:

  • Register your domain name
  • Create a hosted zone in Route 53
  • Update the nameservers of your domain at your registrar to point to the nameservers provided by Route 53 for your hosted zone
  • Configure the necessary DNS record to point to your AWS resources. Note that this could include creating additional records such as an A record for an EC2 instance or a CNAME record for a CloudFront distribution.

Here is a guide that can help you through the process -

Additional Resources:

respondido hace 10 meses

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