How to change allocation strategies for existing aws batch compute environments


Hi, I would like to Change the AWS Batch's default compute environment from 'BEST_FIT' allocation strategy to 'BEST_FIT_PROGRESSIVE' for existing environments. i am not finding the options in aws console. please help!

preguntada hace un año583 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

As shown in the following document, it is not possible to change the setting if "BEST_FIT" is selected.

Allocation strategy (allocationStrategy, must be either BEST_FIT_PROGRESSIVE or SPOT_CAPACITY_OPTIMIZED. If the original allocation strategy is BEST_FIT, infrastructure updates aren't supported.)

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respondido hace un año

As per the documentation we can't change the Allocation strategy of the existing Batch Compute Environments.

Allocation strategy (allocationStrategy, must be either BEST_FIT_PROGRESSIVE or SPOT_CAPACITY_OPTIMIZED. If the original allocation strategy is BEST_FIT, infrastructure updates aren't supported.)

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respondido hace un año

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