Redshift recommended free space percentage


I have a customer who is performing a migration of their on-premises DW to Redshift and is concerned about the amount of free space that the Redshift cluster should have at any time in order to maintain a good performance and don't run into issues when executing heavy queries or commands.

Do we have any guidance the maximum disk space percentage used within the cluster?

preguntada hace 6 años837 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
Respuesta aceptada

Between 70% to 80% should be the maximum storage space used. This is for regular queries and day to day operations. You can configure a CloudWatch Alarm to monitor the disk usage of your cluster. If the customer is vacuuming a large table - they currently require approximately 3x the size of it in free space. As an example, a table that consumes 15% of cluster space, will require 45% free space in order to vacuum.

respondido hace 6 años

correct, Maintain at least 20% free space or three times the size of the largest table

respondido hace 8 meses

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