Validation error


Hello, when creating a new labelling job, I'm trying to create a subset from my bucket but I keep getting this error:

"1 validation error detected: Value 's3://stormyn-sagemaker-oregon-sample-20240130T084303' at 'outputConfig.dataSource.s3DataSource.manifestS3Uri' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: s3://[a-z0-9][.-a-z0-9]{1,61}a-z0-9? Request id: 5321c1ba-8e35-46ac-b71d-11707aa7221b"

I'm quite new to this and I have no idea how to solve this

preguntada hace 4 meses250 visualizaciones
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The S3 URI you've provided (s3://stormyn-sagemaker-oregon-sample-20240130T084303) doesn't meet the expected format. You need to provide specific path in **ManifestS3Uri': "s3://bucket/path/manifest-with-input-data.json" **.

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respondido hace 4 meses
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revisado hace 3 meses
  • It has worked when I specified the folder and the data type. Thanks.

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