how to expose put method of spring boot rest api in api gateway


I am building api gateway using REST API and HTTP proxy integration. My spring boot rest end point for PUT method is http://localhost:8080/journey/{id} where id is path variable.

How to create method in api gateway so i can use the api gateway's deployed url to hit the spring boot application's put method for updating journey info

preguntada hace un año628 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


Depends where are you deploying the app. If using lambda ( you can just have a direct proxy integration between api gw and the lambda itself.

If using a container, you may need an application load balancer between the api gw and you container (deployed in ECS or EKS).

Hope it helps ;)

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respondido hace un año

In the blog only get method is shown and swagger specs but i would like to know how to do it without swagger.

I was able to workaround with @Request Params instead of @Path Variable but please do let me know if an appropriate solution is availbale.

Thank you.

respondido hace un año

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