Workflows for Transfer family SFTP Connector


Can workflows be used for Transfer family SFTP Connector? The use case is to monitor external SFTP and get any new files to S3. Please suggest the possibility

preguntada hace 9 meses711 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
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Hi! Currently Transfer family Workflows cannot be used by SFTP connectors, and you need to provide the full file path on remote SFTP to retrieve a file. As we bring additional capabilities on our roadmap, would help to understand your use-case in more detail. Can I reach out to you somewhere? Or pls feel free to reach out to me on

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revisado hace 2 meses


Have a look at

The standard target of AWSSFTP is an S3 bucket :

Data stored natively in AWS Storage services
Store the files you exchange as objects in your Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon 
EFS file system so you can extract business insights faster. The key piece that 
makes this exchange possible is that AWS Transfer Family stores your data natively 
in S3 or EFS, while preserving relevant file metadata. For example, with your files 
stored in Amazon S3, you can use Amazon Translate to make process documents 
more tailored for international audiences. You can also use Amazon Comprehend 
to extract relationships and insights from text files, or you could even use Amazon 
Athena to query CSV files to analyze historical data. Similarly with files in EFS, 
you can directly integrate your ERP system to access these files on arrival from 
your business partners.

When the file is in the bucket, you can trigger a Lambda:

And from this Lamda, trigger a Step Function to execute any workflow that you want:

All the above will be constructed based on AWS serverless managed services: so, minimal effort and maximal efficiency on your side. No patching, server montoring, HA, scaling, etc: the managed services will take care of that for you.



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respondido hace 9 meses

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