AWS Client VPN Setup "The config should have either cert and key, auth-user-pass or auth-federate specified."


Error message: "The config should have either cert and key, auth-user-pass or auth-federate specified."

How can we fix this problem?

preguntada hace un año2084 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Thank you for your reply. But this information is not documented in any AWS documents. Strange.

respondido hace un año
  • Yes there is. I added link to my answer


AWS Client VPN requires you to use Client and Service certificates for authentication when connecting to the VPN Endpoint or Federated authentication using SSO such as Azure AD, ADFS, AWS Identity centre or Google using SAML

Without one of these options, you cant authenticate users.

If you do not have any way to authenticate users using a directory, you can actually use Identify Centre as an SSO source and authenticate users here via a SAML .

Otherwise you need to use OPENSSL and create your certs and manage users that way. This its self adds an overhead to manage certificates and revocation of them too

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respondido hace un año
  • i downloaded the client config from the Client VPN endpoint in the console. This file does include some certificates but no key. is that why the AWS VPN client will not create the profile?

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