Greengrass V2 | Stream Manager Aborts File Upload if File Size Changes


I'm uploading log files from my Greengrass device to S3 buckets using the aws.greengrass.StreamManager=2.1.2 component.
Then I realized that one of my log file's upload job was aborted according to this log in the aws.greengrass.StreamManager.log due to the file size has changed. Enter image description here

I'm not able to disable logging to that log file while it is being uploaded, thus have little control over the changing file size. Is there a way to prevent the job from being aborted?

preguntada hace un año300 visualizaciones
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Stream manager is not made to upload log files (or any file that changes). The file should be completely static when you attempt to upload it.

To upload logs, use LogManager:



respondido hace un año

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